crochetmonkeyblanketbuddyHands up who’s fed up of all the sewing posts? Yup, mine’s up too. Theres nothing quite as nice as sitting on the sofa with a big roll of wool and that crochet needle, whipping up something adorable.

This time….it’s another variation of The Little Bunny Blanket Buddy! I know…when am I going to stop doing these? Perhaps when I’ve created enough animals to create my version of Noah’s Ark (which, by the way sounds like an amazing idea!).

Wonky eyes…oh dear

So once again I was waaay behind on giving the new cutie in our extended-but-not-actually-related (but-we-may-as-well-be) family. Whilst his Mum was pregnant with him I asked her what she wanted me to make. Perhaps she had a premonition about her son-to-be, and suggested a monkey.

This was months before the little man was born and here I was months after, still no monkey in hand! I set myself the deadline of a week before seeing him again to make it. As you may know, these patterns are super easy and super quick to make up- that is, if you’re not making a new pattern up or working on call shifts… I left it so last minute, I actually finished off the trim and the embroidered name at their house, juggling between cuddling with the little monkey himself and finishing off the blanket buddy!

crochetmonkeyI seem to be having trouble with ‘faces’ at the moment. This fella was actually easy peasy to make- it was the face that kept me up at night. I think he’s cuter in real life than in photos, his wonky eye is much less pronounce…I hope!

Here’s the pattern: Monkey Blanket Buddy

Let me know how you get along, and as always- send me any photos of your finished goods!


little pomegranate

P.S. I know the elephant blanket buddy should technically come first, but I need to double check the pattern before I release it to you!



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